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Expand Your Customer Base with Homeowner Data

New Movers New Homeowners New Parents New DIYers
into new customers.

Faster to Market. Faster to Mailbox. Expand your customer base and be the first to reach those on the move with New Mover and Homeowner data.

Man holding a moving box

 Why Deep Sync?

Here’s How We Make Getting in Front of Your Customers Easier Than Ever

Fast, Reliable, Actionable.

Be the first to reach your target audience with the help of our up-to-date homeowner data. Our weekly updates ensure relevance, timeliness, and ease in reaching in-market buyers.

More Data = More Business. 

Our homeowner data captures 75% of U.S. moves, so you’ll get counts up to 30% higher than competitive offerings.

Reach your Audience Across Channels.

Most marketers target fragmented audiences with fragmented messaging. Deep Sync makes it easy to activate your audience across online and offline channels. That’s the Deep Sync difference.

Get Previous Address Data.

Our New Mover dataset includes the previous “moved from” address, so you can easily identify movers who are new to the area and target them accordingly.

No Second Guessing.

With our SOC 2 Type II certification and decades of experience, you can count on us to help you reach your next best customer.

Man in a suit in glasses

Simple to Activate

Working with Deep Sync is Easy

Find Your Perfect Match

Choose from hundreds of pre-packaged HomeData segments in the Deep Sync One marketplace. Some examples of our audiences include:

    • Dwellings with boat docks
    • Homes purchased less than 6 months ago
    • Out-of-state new movers
    • Owners of 3 residential properties
    • Homes valued $1,000,000 and up
    • Single-family residences

Sign up for Deep Sync One to access our homeowner datasets and reach new customers.

Custom Audiences to Fit Your Needs

Looking for specific audiences? We have you covered.

Create your own custom or lookalike audience with the help of our data experts.

Success Stories

How New Mover Data Has Helped Clients

11.5% Increase in Size of Project & Recorded 630% ROI

A franchised home services company that supports home remodeling saw these results from using our Pre-Movers and New Movers Audience for digital marketing and direct mail.

55% Increase in Lead Conversion & 38% Increase in Spend per Order

An online and brick-and-mortar home furnishings retailer found success using our Pre-Movers and New Movers Audience for digital marketing.

 88% Increase in New Accounts, Double the Deposit Amounts, & 451% ROI

For 14 regional financial institutions offering banking and financial advisory services, using our New Movers Audience for digital marketing and direct mail helped them see real results.

Approximately 30 million Americans move annually — so turning new movers into new customers can be a huge opportunity.


For long-distance moves, Americans can spend upwards of $11,000. And, they spend 4x more on appliances, furnishings, and remodeling than non-movers and 2x more on home improvement projects than longer-term residents.

90% of new movers are willing to try new brands. But, you’ll need timely, accurate homeowner data to reach this highly-coveted audience before your competitors do.

Talk With Our Experts &

Get Started Today!

Find or build your target audience with the help of one of our data experts. Then, leverage Deep Sync’s easy-to-activate solutions to reach your exact audience across channels.


Reach & Engage Your New Mover Audience

The ways you can use your homeowner data.

Data Hygiene, Mover Insights, Identity Resolution, & Agency Solutions available

Faster to Market.

Faster to Mailbox.