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CTV Targeting: How Deterministic Data Powers Campaigns

by Aug 8, 2024Audience Targeting, Programmatic Advertising0 comments

Connected TV (CTV) is the fastest growing advertising channel in the United States: According to the Association of National Advertisers, CTV is predicted to grow by 22.4% this year to a market size of $30 billion.

In the past, advertisers have struggled with precise CTV targeting due to data quality issues and signal loss. However, a new integration between Deep Sync and MNTN, the industry-leading Performance TV advertising platform, intends to bridge this gap.

This new integration uses our accurate, privacy-safe data to power highly targeted Connected TV advertising campaigns. In this blog post, we’ll cover how our deterministic identity spine can power targeted CTV campaigns through MNTN.

How does this integration benefit MNTN customers’ CTV campaigns?

MNTN advertisers can now leverage Deep Sync’s deterministic identity spine for improved customer onboarding and more effective household-level targeting. 

“Our customers rely on high-quality data that performs, particularly at the household level. This partnership will enhance audience targeting capabilities and ensure that advertisers can maximize conversions and ROI from their CTV campaigns.” — Jeff Teng, VP, Business Development, MNTN

According to MediaPost, “This integration will enable the growing number of CTV advertisers to launch effective campaigns that resonate with their target audiences and reduce inefficient impressions and wasted spend.”

What is a deterministic identity spine?

To understand what a deterministic identity spine is, it’s important to define deterministic data, identity graphs, and identity spines.

What is deterministic data?

Deterministic data is data that is known to be true because it is self-declared, authenticated, or personally identifiable. This type of data is more reliable than probabilistic data, which creates constructs of individuals or households based on patterns, behaviors, characteristics, and attributes that often (but don’t always) pertain to the same entities.

Because deterministic data is based on known sources, it offers a high level of accuracy. Deterministic data guarantees a match to a unique individual, household, or business, making this type of data extremely valuable for CTV targeting.

What is an identity graph?

An identity graph links identifiers—like device IDs, third-party cookies, mobile ad IDs, home address, social media handles, and more—to a singular person, household, or business. A high quality identity graph can help identify individual consumers within a company’s database.

The image above represents how an identity graph works, linking identifiers, signals and attributes to a specific consumer.

What is an identity spine?

An identity spine serves as the backbone for an identity graph. For example, Deep Sync’s 3-dimensional identity graph begins with our highly accurate identity spine, which features data on 260MM+ U.S. consumers. This data includes postal addresses linked to consumer names, providing the deterministic basis for our identity graph.

Why Deep Sync?

Our identity spine is built on a definitive view of the nation’s deterministic truth set of residential and commercial addresses, covering 97% of U.S. consumers and 85% of U.S. businesses. 

It is updated weekly using high-quality offline and online data sources. Our highly accurate data assets span consumers, residents, businesses, students, new movers, new homeowners, and more. 

Through our new integration with MNTN, CTV advertisers can now use our high quality data to reach the exact consumers and households they desire. With our industry leading consumer data, this new integration can help you reach your target audience on streaming services with enhanced performance and greater ROI.

Elevate your CTV targeting, today!

Existing MNTN clients can now access Deep Sync data across MNTN solutions, including its new AI-driven MNTN Matched tool. Learn more at www.mountain.com


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CTV targeting made easy with Deep Sync and MNTN