Deep Sync’s Complete Data Hygiene, Powered By Snowflake

by Jun 25, 2024Company Updates, Data Quality, First-party Data Solutions0 comments

Clean your customer data, now on Snowflake
We’re excited to announce that Deep Sync’s new native data hygiene app, Complete Data Hygiene, is now available natively in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud for Media.

Deep Sync offers many data solutions in Snowflake that include hygiene, enrichment, and identity solutions. This new native app enables joint customers to access market-leading data hygiene solutions directly from Snowflake.

Why do Snowflake customers need data hygiene?

Snowflake is the foremost cloud data platform and marketplace. By bringing our industry-leading omnichannel identity and data solutions to Snowflake, our new native data hygiene application helps customers improve the quality of their first-party data at the click of a button.

This data hygiene service, which users can access within their Snowflake accounts, seamlessly integrates with Deep Sync’s high-quality, deterministic identity spine. This is ideal for marketers seeking to implement Customer 360 on Snowflake.

“Snowflake customers want a native hygiene solution as a cornerstone of Customer 360 and other marketing use cases, and we are proud to support Deep Sync’s Native Hygiene Apps on the AI Data Cloud. We partnered with Deep Sync because the quality of their data and hygiene services are uniquely differentiated to support marketers in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud.” — David Wells, Industry Principal, Snowflake.

Why Deep Sync?

Deep Sync’s identity spine is built upon highly accurate data sources which cover 97% of U.S. consumers and 85% of U.S. businesses. It is updated weekly using high-quality offline and online data sources.

Deep Sync’s core data includes decades of change-of-address information, enabling Deep Sync to resolve duplicate records to a common identifier based on consumer movement over time and perform thorough, effective hygiene.

“Snowflake customers expressed a need for a high-quality hygiene solution that they could deploy natively inside their Snowflake environment. Deep Sync delivers that through our industry-leading identity spine and data solutions, which provides a nationwide deterministic truth set spanning U.S. consumers.” — Pieter De Temmerman, CEO, Deep Sync.

The benefits of data hygiene in Snowflake

In addition to helping marketers run more effective direct mail campaigns, Deep Sync’s native hygiene application in Snowflake improves first-party match rates when joining data inside clean rooms, helps marketers maintain complete and accurate CRM records, increases the efficacy of personalization, reduces wasted ad spend, and more.

Deep Sync’s newly launched complete data hygiene service enhances the quality and usability of a customer’s first-party data and includes the following products and services:

  • CASS™ Processing
  • NCOALink® Processing
  • Deep Sync PCOA (Private Change of Address)
  • Deceased Suppression
  • Prison Suppression
  • DMA Mail Preference Suppression

These products and services keep address data current, remove errors and irregularities within the data, and flag undesirable profiles.

Deep Sync is a non-exclusive Licensee of the USPS® to provide Limited Service NCOALink processing. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service®: United States Postal Service, USPS, CASS, and NCOALink.

Advertising ID 1.24.

You can find the Deep Sync Complete Data Hygiene application in the Snowflake Marketplace by searching for “Deep Sync” or “Data Hygiene.” Then, install the application and follow the steps listed in the Expected Workflow. For assistance or more information, please speak to your Snowflake representative.


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Clean your customer data, now on Snowflake